Sunday, November 18, 2007

Too Many Science Projects

By Michael Orshan Team Technologies

Eventually manufacturing standards and processes will be figured out. Hopefully, sooner than later. One of the issues, with all science, is how to get the science out of the R&D centers and into the commercial world. We all know that novel sciences are often funded by state or federal government and often part of the universities or public labs. It is amazing the success I’ve seen in labs. Truly amazing. However, how do we get this out of the labs?

Well, surprise, I have no plans of bashing scientists who have no worldly experience. I think that is unfair and often a “the easy way out”. I believe that four groups need to learn how to work together and be forced to work together. These are:

1. Those scientists
2. Entrepreneurs
3. Public Officials
4. Capitalists

I will rub a few scientists the wrong way by saying that you need all four and nobody, nobody, fits more than one category. A scientist can turn into a entrepreneur! BUT, they are no longer a scientist. Holding more than one role is the path to failure. The public officials need to recognize and gain the media attention required for success. The capitalists are needed for funds and executive management leadership.

Has this every been done before? Yes, in the US, there are examples in Austin, TX, San Diego, TX and Atlanta (or really most of), GA. There are others. In my two favorite cases UT at Austin and UC at San Diego led the effort. In fact, there are few efforts, if any, that have been led by anything other than the local university.

I think and have seen some exciting, revolutionary and timely projects being done in universities all over the place. Now is the time to get them out. Now is the time for leadership at the universities to create economic opportunities, in MEMS and other science. They need to include many players and this is difficult, however the rewards last for 50 years or more.

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